25 Questions Needing Answers

Ira Lee White
3 min readJul 3, 2020


I have a list of questions that need answers. You might also have the same or similar questions. It will be worth your while to review this list just to see where we are at and where we are going. You might have more questions than those on this list. Please feel free to post them in the comments along with any answers you think fit.

1. Why did the government and WHO say not to wear masks and then change their minds later?

2. Why has almost every major decision made by the US government been the one that led to the most infections and the most death?

3. Why did they put infected people in rest homes without segregating them from those who were not infected?

4. How can they tell how many have been infected when testing has been limited and now not supported by the Federal government?

5. How can they tell if a person has COVID 19 when the test is 80% wrong about positives and 20% wrong about negatives?

6. Why were individual people and small businesses allowed to lose so much money putting a lot of them out of business or bankrupt?

7. Where did the $600 billion plus that the billionaires made in the three months we were locked down come from and why did they do so well when everyone else did poorly?

8. How much in taxes, if any, will the rich pay on this money?

9. Why were the people and small businesses given only a few crumbs while the large corporations and people who were already millionaires got most of the bailout money?

10. Why did piles of bricks appear in areas where there was no construction but protests were expected?

11. Why were there reports of people being bussed in to protests?

12. Who were the people actually doing the destruction during the protests? Were they police? Were they paid agitators or were they the protesters themselves?

13. Why are so many deaths recorded as COVID morbidity when they weren’t even tested by the unreliable tests?

14. Why do people still believe the news when 90% of it comes from the same sources that are owned by the same people? How did this come about?

15. Where are they getting the figures on COVID deaths and infections?

16. If this COVID 19 virus is so dangerous, where are all the bio waste hazard bins to dispose of used masks?

17. Why do we always have the money for tax breaks for the rich and corporations and can spend almost a trillion a year for the military but we can’t give poor children free meals at school or have medical care for all?

18. Why did WHO and the CDC encourage no autopsies for those who died of COVID 19?

19. Why are all the larger sites on the internet, FaceBook, YouTube etc., taking down or minimizing doctors and nurses who have a different opinion of COVID 19 and how to deal with it? Why are we dealing with censorship when it is expressly forbidden in our Constitution?

20. Why the push for an Rna vaccine when it is known in the medical field that this may never happen?

21. Why are treatments and discussions about COVID 19 being blocked on the internet and not talked about in mainstream news?

22. If the Democrats think Trump is a danger to the nation, why did they pass his budget with increased military spending and why did they reauthorize the Patriot Act and give him additional powers of surveillance to boot?

23. Why does the government need to know what each of us does and says every minute of every day of our lives? How will that keep us safe?

24. How can they legally keep a man locked up and in danger of being extradited, torture him and charge him with crimes against the state when he is not a citizen of that state and only visited there once briefly?

25. When did exposing the crimes of the rich and connected become a crime?



Ira Lee White

I am a writer living in Oregon. My writings can be found on this site and on my website, www.irawhite.com. I am now retired from the USDA.