Hello to Goodbye
The world is going to hell. We all know that well. The rich won’t do what’s right and they have all the guns so we can’t fight. They are doing grand as long as the money keeps falling into their hands. Their wars are bringing record profits in. No matter killing is a sin. The wealthy celebrate and jet all over the land while we sweat for their growing riches right up until the end. Maybe we ought to take a break and have a going away party for life on earth. We could call it, “Hello Goodbye Party,” and invite the entire world.
People could be dancing in the street all night long to celebrate all the life that will soon be gone. There would be music coming from everywhere, songs of love for our mother earth would fill the air. We would bring food and drink and share with the police and troops charged with putting us in the clink.
Oh yes, I know not all would come. The rich would hide in their castles with the doors barred clutching guns. Some would condemn this kind of celebration while others would take to the air to warn all the nations. But there would be enough people to stop all traffic and commerce so that for just a short time, things wouldn’t get any worse.
If we call it a party, it will have more life than if we call it a demonstration which will result in strife. And a party the working people deserve, for the rich people they have always served. A riot with guns would not be very fun but a party to celebrate the coming end of all our lives could not be denied.