Horse Shit

Ira Lee White
7 min readMay 14, 2020


You must be seeing the pattern by now. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are falling all over themselves over who will help the rich the most while the rest of the country drowns. They have to argue over whether or not to give out another $1,200 stimulus check because it is going to cost the government some money while the first thing they did was give $4 trillion to the corporations and people already rich or well off. At the same time, people who have less were forced back to work amid a hoopla of hero worship and atta boys. Their label “Minimum Wage Workers,” was changed to “Front Line Workers,” to honor the fact that they were risking their lives so things could keep on. Funny how just a short time before the pandemic these same people were looked upon with a slightly upward tilted nose as they went about their minimum wage duties. That, ladies and gentlemen, is horse shit.

The first stimulus bill simply handed out a few trillion to corporations. In the second, they figured they had better pay some homage to the little people and their little businesses so they ponied up $300 billion for the people to get $1200 checks apiece and $500 billion for small businesses which was quickly snapped up by businesses that had to stretch to fit into the small category. The corporations got another $4 trillion. When it comes to money, it seems that it is attracted back to bigger piles of money and not where it needs to go to help regular people. Horse shit!

I would be remiss if I didn’t remark about parts of the pattern other than the money side. We are being guided into doing what they want us to do, “they” being those with the money and power who rule over us. As a result, we are faced with a smorgasbord of do’s and don’t’s that as a whole make little sense. First, we are told to stay inside and outdoor venues such as parks and playgrounds are closed and kept from us. This is despite the fact that it is known that the virus is killed by sunlight and that we need sunlight and time outside to exercise and get some vitamin D to keep our health. During the influenza pandemic, patients were moved outside to help cure them. However, despite the ban on outside activities, the police can run us down, tackle us, and put us in a crowed cell with several others. This is going to help stop the pandemic. Other measures, just as ineffective, have been pushed on us even when they are shown to be ineffective. Stupid. Horse shit.

As a people, we have been separated into identity groups that are opposed to each other, sometimes vehemently. Skin color, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, and on and on. Identity horse shit some of which is natural, some of which is not, all of which is intensified in order to keep us in our little boxes and to keep too large a group from forming so our masters have little trouble getting us to do their will. Think about it. When was the last time Democrats or Republicans actually debated and passed a bill meant to better the lower classes without a bunch of riders that amounted to giveaways to the rich? All the laws that benefit the nonwealthy have to do with identity politics, not helping by actually bettering the people on the lower end of the economic ladder. They get none of the benefits of their labor and all the horse shit.

There is a lot to go around. The wealthy own the media and you get the information they want you to get and nothing else. If someone tries to change the story, they are banned from the media, harassed or even assassinated. Meanwhile, the mass of people still cling to their news sources such as Fox, MSNBC and NPR without realizing that their news is busy forming their opinions for them by feeding them information designed to do just that.

Did I mention that the laws are only for the economically disadvantaged? If you are rich you only have one law: Do not attack the rich as a group or any other rich individual who is with the program. That’s why they can lie to Congress, the FBI or any other authority and get away with it while you and I go to jail for a lengthy sentence. The lower classes have so many laws we break laws just by living. We have over 2 million people in prison while some (the rich and connected) have committed crimes that have resulted in the deaths of scores, perhaps even millions, and they walk free and even get their own TV show. Horse shit! Mounds of horse shit!

There always seems to be more money for tax cuts for the rich and for corporations as well as money for the military but if the people need a little cash- forget about it. More horse shit.

Science is another place people go to suffer. Science is supposed to be built around observation and trial and error. Unfortunately, some true science is suppressed because it doesn’t make enough money. On the other hand, we seem to be targets of drug dealers who would rather treat us than make us well so we get a lot of science that is bought and paid for. This is not science. This is horse shit.

Now, if you don’t like what is being done by those in office you can vote them out. Horse shit! Both parties are in a carefully constructed dance to convince you that they are not the same party with the same goals. Then we have the media spreading stuff to influence us one way or another, purging of voters, closing of polls, broken machines, redistricting, and if all this fails, the machines most of us vote on can be changed and have been changed according to the exit polling that has been done on each of our elections until they canceled exit polls saying they were unnecessary. Someone please tell me that Biden is different from Trump so I can whack you with a pile of horse shit.

Are you ready for a mountain of horse shit? The surveillance state wants to track us and listen in on our conversations to protect us from: SARS, terrorists, bird flu, robbers, rapists, COVID 19, and ourselves. You can tell me that if they know where we live, where we go, who we speak with, what we say and believe and with the powerful computers they have that they won’t try to influence me to do something I would not have otherwise done, but I won’t believe it. I wouldn’t be alone. Anyone with an understanding of humans and how they work would not believe it. The fact is that humans have come a long way in understanding how their minds work and how to manipulate them.

Don’t tell me any of this is for our own good. Just look at what this country has done to people over the years, actions that were and still are criminal behavior but were never called to account: he government gave a group of uninformed black men syphilis to see what would happen to them as they got more ill, bombed the hell out of children and old people around the world, bombed a neighborhood in our own country killing people, after several years they still haven’t made Flint, MI’s water supply unleaded (or any other city that has the same problem), allowed and even provided the gas used to attack the Iranians by Sadam Hussein and then again when he used it on his own people, shot and killed 2,000 people per year by our own police with few called to account, and our own military shot and killed nonviolent protesters on a number of occasions. These are not nice people and they aren’t looking out for you or me.

What are we left with? We have a number of people who are too propagandized or too uninformed to understand how well they are being played by the ridiculously small number of people who have some measure of control. The smaller group owns everything, and the others cannot speak publicly to a wide audience without their permission. The people are governed by a bunch of idiots that would be better off running a circus but they get paid more to do the bidding of the rich. There is one party and anyone signaling another viewpoint is usually made invisible by whatever means. It makes little difference as most of the electorate think that the most important thing is for their group to make some points against the group that opposes them. This effectively defangs both groups as much of their effort is put into opposing the other group. Nothing gets done. Our legislative bodies freeze up when it comes to actually helping the people.

What do we do? There is no other choice. We have to help our fellow humans understand what is happening to them and who is doing it. Then we have to grab a shovel and forcibly shovel this shit out. That means we will have to risk imprisonment, injury and death. It means we will have to rebuild something afterwards, hopefully a system that cares for its people rather than exploits them. Only then can we say goodbye to all the horse shit.



Ira Lee White
Ira Lee White

Written by Ira Lee White

I am a writer living in Oregon. My writings can be found on this site and on my website, I am now retired from the USDA.

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