Ira Lee White
4 min readJun 11, 2020


What Can Be Done?

Sometimes it feels as if we are being driven. Go this way. No, that way. The media is giving us mixed messages or no messages at all. Some information is not showing up on the mainstream. Some information that is showing up is incorrect. One day you are told to social distance and wear a face mask the next day you are told that the face masks could cause you harm and should only be worn if in a crowded situation and social distancing does nothing. But it all continues and we are, for now, shamed into doing what the order of the day is.

I’m not here to try to convince you or tell you what is going on or to give you what many of you would consider a tin foil hat description of events to come. Some of you on my page have it right and are busy preparing. Many of the rest have little idea or no clue whatsoever. I’m sorry for you and your ignorance. It hurts all of us, not just you. We don’t know for sure what is going to happen next but it’s important for our survival that we prepare as best as we can. Curling up into a ball and trying to pretend everything is OK is not an option. I want to give you some insight into what we as individuals can do to prepare.

The standard for surviving a disaster is to stockpile food, water, batteries, medical supplies and such. This is highly recommended. If you have not done any of this, right now, while you can still get to a store with items on the shelves, is a good time.

Another thing that can be done is to plant a garden. If you don’t have ground with sunlight to grow in you can try container gardening or start or join a community garden in your area. It probably wouldn’t hurt to learn a little about the edibility of those plants we call weeds. Some of them are quite good for us and if prepared correctly, the taste isn’t half bad.

This brings me to another point, a most important point often overlooked in this society of rugged individualists: networking with those around you. This does not mean to just go out and join in with people like you. It will work far better if you also network with and get to know those who are different from you. We are all human and we all have the same needs. This commonality unites us and can bring a group together providing more resources and protection for the individual than if you only seek those like you. Of course, it also requires tolerance on your part and the part of others in the group for those who are different.

Learn how to do without the energy saturated lives we now live. Many tasks can be completed without using power tools. If you have the resources, you may want to invest in solar or wind energy to bridge the gap if the grid goes down. There are many devices on the market that can provide some energy for some tasks. There are also many tools that can do by hand what once was done by machine. Learn how to take care of yourself.

Revolutionary acts are those that rankle the establishment and make them afraid. Revolutionary could mean anything that the establishment doesn’t like. Some of the most revolutionary acts are planting a garden, protesting in the streets, etc. Voting, in my opinion, is futile and cannot at this time be considered a revolutionary act since you vote is insecure and can be flipped to any other candidate than the one you voted for. In addition, so many people have been thrown off the roles that any poll results would not be representative of the country because of all those left out of the process.

I have done some thinking and have come up with something that can be done without interference by cops or could also progress while on lock down. The problem is that you need to organize a number of people to get it to work. The idea is to have everyone turn their electricity off at a predetermined time for a predetermined amount of time and then turn it all back on again in unison. This is where we need each other despite our differences. Remember, our commonality is that we are all being persecuted and lied to by our own government. Imagine the fear coursing through the veins of the privileged when lights go out all over the country!

Ok. You might not like this idea. You might think it won’t work or is bonkers. The point is that if you get together with others unlike you and form bonds between you, you will have a wider choice of ideas, a combining of ideas and a greater possibility that you will succeed in making change. We have a lot on our plate and the opposition, the rich people, have most of the resources. Despair gets us nowhere. Survival will depend on our cleverness to use what we have and to work together.



Ira Lee White

I am a writer living in Oregon. My writings can be found on this site and on my website, I am now retired from the USDA.